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Daernoss Dinlom - Silent Echo

House-Heads: Telion and Talia

Restrictions: None. Open to all Galadhrim.

Visual distinction: Silver and green colors, often with a crescent-shaped insignia.

Worldview: Dinlom is both the most traditional and 'rustic' of the Houses. They are the first to call for things to be "the way they once were".

Foriegn Policy: Dinlom Galadhrim are quite happy staying at home alone. They tend to be rather cold towards and highly suspicious of any strangers to the woods, even elves. They rarely wish to travel outside the borders, and will do so only if needed or called upon.

Average Member: A typical Dinlom Galadhrim often seems filled with a sense of purpose to their 'Higher Ideal'. And as much as they're unconcerned with the world outside of Lorien, they are fiercely devoted to their home and will protect it at all costs. They can be found among any of the crafts, though their numbers among the diplomats are few.

The patriarch of Dinlom, Eltavros, left his homeland of Doriath with his family, faithfully following Celeborn and Galadriel to Eriador and later dwelling with them for a while in Eregion. When Galadriel left Eregion to travel through Khazad-Dum and beyond, Eltravos followed; the young Sinda's appetite for adventure had been whetted by their earlier travelling and he felt compelled to see more of Middle-Earth, even though some members of his family remained with Celeborn in Eregion at this time. Coming to the land of Lorinand, he was enchanted by the elves already there, and especially one in particular. Lothelei was a beautiful young Silvan who had come from the Greenwood some time before with her family. He was enchanted by her simplicity and innocence and she was in turn charmed by his adventurous spirit and travelling stories. Spending more time among the trees of this new land with his new companion, Eltavros felt his wanderlust slowly leave him and decided to remain with Lothelei even after Galadriel departed from Lorinand, leaving Amroth to rule. They were wed soon after and gathered their family about them in the fair land beside the Anduin.

Official Dinlom's website: http://www.angelfire.com/va/joelfan/dinlom.html

Members of this family (with their webpages):

Aewruin Member of House
Airiavas Berethdan o Dinlom
Alkad Member of House
Aramina Member of House
Carangil Member of House
Charmat House Liason
Collinmar Member of House
Faedrienith Member of House
Glindorel Member of House
Haldir Steward
Kemenmir Member of House
Talia Indiri
Taurrog Member of House
Telion Indir
Terridan Champion of Daernoss Dinlom
Tirastaldo Member of House

This page was last updated on 09-Jul-2001